This section introduces Canon Machinery’s corporate philosophy and its vision for continuing to shine in the 21st century.
Here we introduce Canon Machinery’s areas of business: the Factory Automation System Business, the Semiconductor System Business, New Fields and Research and Development.
In addition to corporate information on Canon Machinery, this section provides technology, product and introduces CSR activities.
Based on our company Group's corporate philosophy of "kyosei," the company engages in social contribution activities that contribute to the SDGs and MLGs (Shiga Prefecture's version of the SDGs) through its business activities.
The challenge of creating new businesses that can contribute to the SDGs will make companies and society more prosperous for the next 100 years
At Canon Machinery, which celebrated its 50 year anniversary on February 1, 2022, we are working to create new businesses as part of our management policy of transforming our portfolio into a competitive advantage. As a business that uses automation technology to solve social problems, the company has started to expand into the medical and pharmaceutical industries and to solve local environmental problems. In the future, we hope to contribute to the realization of a society in which people can be more creative through the development and provision of high-productivity devices that eliminate labor shortages in medical settings, create a safe and secure society, and create a comfortable work environment.
▲The 50 year anniversary logo is meant to address a variety of issues, including engineers as gears and SDGs as colors.
Junior Photographers is a social and cultural support program aimed at raising children's awareness of the environment and fostering a rich sensibility through nature-themed photography experiences.
Started in 2004 as a social contribution activity of the Canon Group, the program is also offered to local children at Canon Machinery.
As part of its efforts to support the recovery of areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, Canon Machinery has been supporting the recovery of the affected areas by revitalizing local production areas through active consumption of food produced and manufactured in the affected areas.
From March to April every year, Koshihikari rice from Fukushima Prefecture is sold at the cafeteria kiosk, and many employees participate in this activity.
Canon Machinery regularly conducts blood drives on its premises. With the cooperation of many employees, the donated blood is used to save the precious lives of patients who need blood transfusions for medical treatment or surgery.
Canon Machinery has been conducting annual fund-raising activities since 2005 to support health, nutrition, hygiene and education for children in developing countries.
Canon Machinery regularly donates PET bottle caps collected on its premises to the Ecocap Foundation, an NPO.
The donated ecocaps are converted into raw materials for recycled plastics, and the proceeds from the sale are used for medical support in developing countries, environmental education for children, and employment promotion projects for people with disabilities and the elderly.
Canon Machinery conducts a Disability Experience Program for its employees to deepen their understanding of diversity. An employee using a wheelchair gives a lecture on daily problems and the support needed at work, using his or her own experience. After that, we provide an opportunity for employees to actually go around the campus in wheelchairs and think about things from the perspective of people with disabilities.
Canon Machinery offers hands-on classes in manufacturing to help children develop a sense of work. In the manufacturing experience class, participants experienced the production of original key chains using our company's processing machines.
Canon Machinery Malaysia partnered with a non-profit organization (NPO) to donate computers that are no longer needed at the company to elementary schools for online learning in schools, where the need is growing due to the pandemic. The donated computers are used for children's learning.
Canon Machinery Malaysia partnered with a non-profit organization to donate food items and antibacterial face masks to children. Donations were used to protect children from infectious diseases, reduce the financial burden on families, and promote the health and welfare of children.
These are social contribution activities related to photography that utilize Canon Group resources such as cameras and printers.
Employees took and printed out souvenir photos of children using Canon cameras and presented them in photo frames that were handmade by the children themselves.
After a class on how to use a camera was held, the participants experienced taking photos using Canon cameras under the theme of "Nature Around Us."